The ZETA Pellet concept

ZETA : First Prize 2010 of the Trophy ESSEC alumni
Bearing Point at the Renewable Energy Exhibition
By adopting the Kyoto protocol, industrialised countries undertook to achieve a 20% reduction, from 1990 levels, in their total greenhouse gas emissions … by 2020 and within a framework of sustainable development.
France’s share in the effort was to contribute a reduction of 17%!
ZETA plays a role in the response, innovating by the creation of clean energy, neutral in terms of greenhouse gases, produced from part of the biomass – organic vegetal products – a 100% sustainable resource...
The biomass is our raw material.
On the principle of “picking up and using what is at hand and nobody wants”, ZETA technology transforms green vegetal waste into pellets that can be burnt efficiently in boilers, replacing traditional fossil resources.
From collecting the waste material, to making the pellets and on to burning them, the overall carbon footprint of the pellets is virtually negligible. ZETA is a green and clean source of energy.
And once burnt, our pellets have another surprise in store – coming from plant life at the beginning, the ash – the residue after burning – can be used to return to the soil elements that are vital for plant growth.
The virtuous circle is completed!
Without any ecological side-effects, rudimentary vegetal waste becomes a fuel, immune to crisis and price volatility and providing a useful input to the local economy.
The part of the biomass in question is the key to our process; it is not exploited for energy purposes currently and represents a huge source of supply in a country like France and the quantities are absolutely gigantic on a European scale.
Vegetal waste is a major problem-free and sustainable resource ... and it is our raw material !