Collection and Processing
- Collection of vegetal waste as soon as it is created
- Transformation of the waste into pellets
- The pellets are a neutral fuel in terms of greenhouse gases
- The ash residue from burning the pellets is turned into fertiliser
- The fertiliser encourages plant growth
- The plant undergoes pruning in some form or other as a natural and necessary aid to its preservation and stimulus to its growth.
And so back to the top of our list... A natural carbon-neutral loop!
ZETA is genuine renewable energy.
Without any ecological side-effects, rudimentary renewable vegetal waste becomes a fuel,
immune to crisis and price volatility, providing ENORMOUS SAVINGS
and a useful input to the local economy.
Technical aspects of the pellets
The ZETA pellet is a standardised agricultural pellet, in the form of a 6 mm-diameter cylinder. It has a density of 630 to 660 kg/cu m and an LHV (Lower Heating Value) of the order of 4200 kWh per tonne.
The rate of ash production is 3 - 5% of the finished product.
The pellet is intended for boilers rated in excess of 150 kW or for the hybrid boiler Zetech Pro.